Professor Fiona Doohan

University College Dublin, Ireland


Professor Fiona Doohan is Professor of Plant Health at University College Dublin, Ireland. Professor Doohan has a BSc in Industrial Microbiology from UCD (Ireland), and a PhD from John Innes Centre/Harper Adams University/Open University (UK). After a postdoctoral position in John Innes Centre, she moved to UCD where she joined the faculty as a plant pathologist. Prof Doohans’ research is focused on developing environmentally sustainable means of increasing cereal resilience, resistance to disease, and nutritional content. She is also co-founder of the company CropBiome, focused on developing biologicals for the enhancement of crop productivity. She has attracted over 20-million-euro funding for her research programme and over 10 million for national doctoral training, has supervised 36 doctoral students, and has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the Wheat Initiative, which was established under the direction of the G20 to provides a framework to establish strategic research and organisation priorities for wheat research at the international level in both developed and developing countries.  She was listed in the top 100 female Irish scientists and was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2022.